Dear Precious Friends,
On this glorious new day, this Magnificent Monday,, I pray you have taken time today to be in God's word to be with the Lord, filling your heart with truth, and you are filled with the spirit (Read Romans
I love the remind that we are to renew our minds daily because we are humans, we sin and fall short. Filling our minds with His word fills us with truth and gives us such incredible boldness and blessing. His word reminds us " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." From Romans 12:2 This is how we know what His will is!!! This is how we please Him.

I am sharing from a message our Pastor preached yesterday. It was incredible and filled with truth. We are going through hymns that shaped and molded our churches. The songs our Pastor has covered the past 3 weeks are Amazing Grace, What a friend we have in Jesus and I’ll fly away. Yesterday he taught us the message of "It is well with my soul.."
It is so awesome when you find out the inspiration behind these songs, the person who wrote them and what was behind what they wrote. After you read this story, please take a moment to listen to the song. I have included it.
We live in a society where many of us start our life with God because we were introduced to Him from our parents. It also happens that that often some of us walk away from God because we may follow what we feel and often when you don’t know God’s absolute truth, you get mad and think How could God allow such and such to happen..?? Or you get mad at God because you lose someone you love and it isn’t right… it isn’t fair…. We live by our feelings… by what we think we want, and what we feel… We are all born with sin...when Adam ate from the fruit his spirit died with sin instantly. God came to give us life and call our spirit alive. When our spirit is raised to life we live life abundantly to be led in the soul. We are raised up through the spirit.
SO lets talk about this amazing Hymn and promise me after your read this story, you will listen to the song... just click the picture.
Life can be so unpredictable—joys and sorrows, beautiful blessings and distressing difficulties can come unexpectedly. Our life’s dreams and plans can change in an instant. We all know this to be true. So how can we find peace amid such turbulence?
Horatio Spafford knew something about life’s unexpected challenges. He was a successful attorney and real estate investor who lost a fortune in the great Chicago fire of 1871. Around the same time, his beloved four-year-old son died of scarlet fever.
Thinking a vacation would do his family some good, he sent his wife and four daughters on a ship to England, planning to join them after he finished some pressing business at home. However, while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the ship was involved in a terrible collision and sunk. More than 200 people lost their lives, including all four of Horatio Spafford’s precious daughters. His wife, Anna, survived the tragedy. Upon arriving in England, she sent a telegram to her husband that began: “Saved alone. What shall I do?”
Horatio immediately set sail for England. At one point during his voyage, the captain of the ship, aware of the tragedy that had struck the Spafford family, summoned Horatio to tell him that they were now passing over the spot where the shipwreck had occurred.1
As Horatio thought about his daughters, words of comfort and hope filled his heart and mind. He wrote them down, and they have since become a well-beloved hymn:
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll—
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to know
It is well, it is well with my soul.2
Perhaps we cannot always say that everything is well in all aspects of our lives. There will always be storms to face, and sometimes there will be tragedies. But with faith in a loving God and with trust in His divine help, we can confidently say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.”
WOW, to have faith like that... I have no words. What incredible meaning this song has even before you know what it is about, however, once you hear what it is about, it takes on new meaning.
Have a blessed day and my prayer is that we can have faith like Horatio and know that when God is with us and in us and the Holy Spirit leads us, we can walk through the worst valleys of life looking to our Lord with peace, trust and give Him our pain.
He makes beauty from our ashes every time. We just may not be able to see it , however, when we continue seeking Him, trusting Him, walking in the spirit, He uses all we have been through for His glory.