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Embrace The Ride

GOOD TGIFF GGG'S !! (It's Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday),
I absolutely love this image. I love this reminder that God upholds us with His righteous right hand!! We do not have to fear!!! Look how comfortable the lamb is in His Shepherds hand!!! Now that is trust...!!!
One thing for sure is the fact that being a Christian does not give us immunity from the tests, trials and struggles of life.
Jesus says in John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”
Throughout the bible we can look and see where God people had one opportunity after another to fear, especially when it was time for battle with their enemies.
Regardless of where the opportunity of fear presents itself to us today, the Word of God declares to us we need to "fear not"! Why? God is with us, therefore we have no reason to be dismayed for the Lord is our God who promises to not only strengthen us but to help us and uphold us with His righteous hand.
What can bring us more comfort, peace and assurance than the presence of God in every area of our lives? Nothing!
God's presence with us is the greatest thing that can drive fear away from all of us in time of trouble or distress.
God promises to help us today. The question becomes, "will ywe trust Him and will we take Him at His Word"?
Today, God offers Himself to all of us as "Security" in an unsecure world.
To each of us who are worried or fretful today, God says "fear not and do not be dismayed for He is with you, He will strengthen you, He will help and He will uphold you with His righteous hand.
Here are just a few things Jesus did for us:
Jesus is able to raise the dead, heal the sick, give sight to the blind, feed the multitude with 2 pieces of fish and 5 pieces of bread, turn water into wine, calm a stormy sea, heal a woman with a 12 year issue of blood, walk on water and resurrect from the dead to name a few.
Is He not able to care of us? God's Word declares that He NEVER CHANGES... for He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
When times are tough, God will give us the strength to make us tougher in Him.
Trust God today and lets embrace the ride with Jesus who is forever with us, who strengthens us no matter what we face and upholds us with His righteous right hand!
Sending you lots of love and lets especially remember during these times this beautiful image and God's truth that no matter what we face... He is our Strength, He is our help and no matter what... we are safe like this little lamb in His hand!

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