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Embrace The Day

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, this gift like no other... I pray you are embracing this day knowing why you are here, what your job description is and how God is using even the toughest and hardest things in your life for His glory... Share your story! What has Jesus done for you? Who do you say Jesus is?
Revelation 12:11 reminds us:
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
In order to understand the context of what was written in Revelation click here:
I love looking these scriptures up and understanding the context they were written...
So today as we go out let us remember the most amazing way to share Jesus with others is through what He has done for us.
Again if you don't know Him as Lord and Savior of your life.. message me... He is either LORD OF YOUR LIFE or LORD OF NOTHING AT ALL...
Satan is the great accuser of the saints of God who has pursued the people of God down through the centuries with an intense hatred... and the coming Tribulation is a time when the devil's vicious attacks on God's servants will increase in intensity against both Jews and Christians.
Although Church-age believers are not appointed to face the wrath of the Lamb during the coming time of terrible Tribulation... the enemy of our soul attempts to accuse the saints, despite them being covered and cleansed by the blood of Christ.
Revelation gives believers a multi-pronged approach to victory over Satan, "they overcame him by of the blood of the Lamb. They overcame him because of the word of their testimony. They overcame because they did not love their life even when faced with death."
Here is another amazing resource to read in depth of what this means:
My friends, today is a a precious gift... we are to live it as if it were our last... We don't know. In a second we can be whisked up to heaven... Make certain you can share your testimony in 2 minutes ... share what you were like before you knew Jesus as Lord and Savior, Share what happened when you receive the gift of Him in your heart, and then share what your life has been like since... That speaks the loudest. Be sure you know that you know that you know Him. Read His word. Start in John if you aren't sure. Read a chapter a day... By the end of the last chapter, you will absolutely know!
Have a beautiful day knowing your purpose, knowing what the most important things are and put first things first... Our work is our worship... share Him with all you come in contact with and use words if necessary.. most times it is necessary, but build those relationships first and let others see Jesus in you.. The greatest compliment we can receive is "When I see you I see Jesus".. WOW ... Let's go out and live this truth.
Love you all!!!
May be an image of ‎text that says '‎We don 't need to be ۔' a preacher or have a platform to share the gospel. The good news of what God did in our lives goes wherever we go and is preached whenever we share it! Don't wait for a platform. People around you need to hear what Jesus did in your heart!‎'‎
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