Dear Precious Friends,
As we embrace a new day and I am celebrating my Mom's anniversary of the day she went to heaven, I am reaching out to all of us who have lost those we loved so much. There are no words, however, there is Jesus. He is our hope. We are heaven bound. When Paul says to live is Christ, to die is gain, we are inspired to remember what we are living for. Every day is an incredible gift.. life can be taken from us in a second... we are only here for a moment.... He reminds us to number our days... so we may gain a heart of wisdom.. WE are Kingdom Seekers, Difference Makers, World changers and we are here to live a life of purpose for the Lord. He takes us home when our time is done on earth. We can never understand why a child has cancer or an illness, or why sickness comes upon us. So we focus on what we do know.
Paul wrote in Colossians 1:16: For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him.
God’s ways are higher than our ways because His ways are always part of a bigger plan. We see only our small piece of the puzzle; God sees the finished work. We see a portion of the jumbled back of the tapestry; God is the Weaver at the loom. When our desire is to live in step with His plan, we can have confidence that, even when bad things happen, God is still in control. He often takes what Satan meant for evil and turns it into good for the salvation of many (see Genesis 50:20). God’s priorities are the magnification of His glory and the expansion of His kingdom (Psalm 97:6; Luke 8:1). When God’s glory and God’s kingdom are our priorities, too, we learn to rejoice that His ways are higher than our ways (1 Corinthians 10:31).
So my friends, on this day that I celebrate the gift of love and that he wipes every tear and when she went home she was out of her pain and suffering and into His loving arms... I love this image below... I pray we can remember the gift of love and that those who love much grieve much and the gift of love is the greatest gift of all... God is love... He loves us so much He sent His only son to die for us...
Lets go out and love today and remember He is with us, He has never let go of us.. He wants us to live purposeful lives that reflect this great love and use our sorrows to point others to Him.... because we know this truth... Its ok to grieve because we have the gift of love... and we miss our loved ones so much... We are heaven bound remembering the gift of each day knowing our final destination and having great joy and assurance that as believers we will be with Him in eternity! We will see our loved ones again... what hope we have!!