Dear Precious Friends,
As we embrace the gift of a new day and thank God for this amazing gift, I want to take a moment to share something that God has really put on my heart. We have to remember each day the purpose we are here and our purpose is always found in God. Scripture reminds us "All things were made by God and for God".
When I think of those who have the strongest relationship with God and how much I admire them, they are those who take time out every single day to listen to God. How do they do this? They do this through time with the Lord. Specific set aside time in worship, opening His word, praying and staying quiet and patient as God gives them what they need to do.
If you've been around me for a long time you know I talk about the acronym BUSY. Being busy is a part of life that makes Satan happy. BUSY – Being Under Satan’s Yoke. Busy keeps us distracted and it certainly helps in pulling our attention away from where it should be, spending time with and developing our relationship we have with Christ. We as believers must remember we are not to be busy, we are to be purposeful.
Please understand that I am simply pointing out is how easy it is to fill up our schedules with so much with the things that are distracting us from our relationship with Christ that the relationship deteriorates or is non-existent. I realize that if this happens, Satan wins. Why do I share this? Because I am guilty of this and when it happens, I know I am walking in my own strength and have nothing left to give... It's the worst feeling yet it's the reminder of what I'm sharing here.... This is when we have to retreat, open His word, worship Him, pray and listen. There is nothing in this life worth have the peace of Christ that fills our hearts and minds and oozes out of us. It only comes through time spent with Him. I will have perfect peace when I fix my eyes on Him... NO PEACE, NO GOD. KNOW PEACE... KNOW GOD.
Who will join me in recommitting specific time without the computer, social media, your phone, distractions and setting time out of our "BUSY" schedules to take in His word.... The enemy wins every time we let our jam packed schedules invade the sanctuary of our quiet time with God...
In the stillness of the morning, may be have our time to purposefully set aside for Bible reading, prayer , meditation on His word and be eager to commune with Him. May we armor up with His word and fill our soul with His truth as we walk closely with Him.
If you are tired, weak, worn out, know that God himself rested, know that God also gives us rest; we just need to seek it in him. We need to prioritize our lives around God, not God around our lives.
Psalm 62:7
“On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.”
Matthew 11:28
28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
There is nothing more important than living our lives in a way that honors God... It is ALL about Him. The reason we are here is to glorify Him, the reason we spend time with our friends is to influence, minister to or be influenced, ministered to about God. Simply put, our lives are not about what we need to do, it is about what God wants to use for his purpose.
Matthew 11:29-30
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
We must all ask ourselves
What in our life is keeping from spending time with God on a daily basis? Ask ourselves, What is more important to us than God?
Are we willing to fit our life around God? Well I am here to tell you I am... Please join me...