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Break Our Hearts

Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On this TGIFF ( Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) I pray you have awoken with gratitude and purpose. Last night our life group had an amazing time of worship and prayer. It was so wonderful to rest and listen to God's word through music and to cry out to HIm. How we all need to continue this...
Lord, we need You!
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
IF we will:
Humble ourselves
Seek His face
THEN will He:
Lord, find us on our knees!
In the chapter just before, 2 Chronicles 6, Solomon asked the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness in the times that the people would sin. He knew, as we do today, that none of us are perfect and without sin in our lives. And God answered with these words and provisions that are relevant for believers still today:
Humble yourselves by confessing any sin.
Pray to God and ask for His forgiveness.
Seek God’s face continually.
Turn from the wrong behavior.
In response, God promised:
“I will hear from heaven.”
“I will forgive their sin.”
“I will heal their land.”
True repentance will always be recognized by changed behavior.
It’s more than just “talking the talk.” It’s “walking the walk.” And it requires action on our part according to God’s word. Only on the heels of true humility and repentance before Him, can we come before the Lord, with prayerful hearts, truly seeking His face, filled with the Spirit’s power to turn away from wrong choices.
God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way He responded to the cries of His people during Solomon’s days, is still the way He is faithful to respond to our cries for help. He does hear our prayers from heaven. He is faithful to forgive us when we come before Him and confess our sin, admit our great need for Him, and turn from wrong. He promises to heal our land.
His whole character, who He is—Redeemer, Restorer, Healer, Rescuer—is a constant reminder to us that He will do what He says He will do. We don’t have to worry. We don’t have to fear. We don’t have to wrestle through all on our own.
The very God who made us and set us free from sin and defeat is the very God who will miraculously heal our land. Our “land” in our personal lives. Our “land” in our families. Our “land” in our communities. Our “land” in America. And wherever else our “land” may be in this world. His power is limitless and reigns over all.
God hears our prayers, He knows our needs. And there’s great power in uniting together, turning our hearts towards Him, and praying on behalf of our nation and world.#Humbleourselves
Let us all cry out and pray without ceasing. Our world needs our prayers... I can barely sleep at night thinking of those in Afghanistan and the terror they are experiencing. The Haitians and the devastation there.. we can all pray, cry out to the Lord for forgiveness of all the sins of our world.. it starts with us...
Pray, do what we can to support organizations who are helping this devastation...
Share Jesus with all we come in contact with. Be in His word, share the hope we have in HIm.
We are all still here for this reason.
My friends... lets get on our knees, our faces, spend time in worship with our Lord. Time is of the essence.
Have a purposeful TGIFF .
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'Have mercy on our souls. Sweep across our nation with the power of your Holy Spirit. Break our hearts over our sin. Lead US to confess and repent Remove our hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh. Save US, Father for you are our only hope.'
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