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Act of Love

Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF I pray you are waking up knowing God has a purpose and a plan for you and wants you to know how incredibly loved and beloved you are. I pray today we can focus on who we can love the way we are loved by Jesus. For such a time as this, our act of love can be a life changer for so many.
No one can love as Christ loved in the power of our own sinful flesh – No one can love as Jesus loved by our own imperfect human effort, however hard we try, for the love of man is but a faint reflection of the glorious Sun of Righteousness. But all who trust in His name have been made a new creation in Christ and have the life of Christ living in us and through us – and only as we walk in spirit and truth - in submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit within, can we fulfill this beautiful command to love as I have loved you, until we can at last say with Paul, it is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me.
It is not I that LOVE but the love of Christ in me.
My Prayer
Father may we live as Christ lived in spirit and truth, in submission to the Holy Spirit and in obedience to Your will. May I love as Christ loved – so that in myself I become nothing in order that Christ may be seen in me and show forth His love in my life, to Your praise and glory in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.
John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'Who can you bless today with a word, a kind deed, a prayer, a phone call? Go out of your way to make a connection with someone who is on your mind. You never know what people are going through or how your kindness can make a lasting difference.'
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