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4 Days Until Christmas

Dear Precious Friends,
It's Magnificent Monday and here we are in the final 4 days until our celebration of Christ's birthday!!! This is such a special time despite the outside world and the fear that is being ignited over Covid... As we are in Chapter 21 of our READ A CHAPTER OF LUKE CHALLENGE, I WILL FOCUS ON THE GIVING OF THE WIDOW WHO HAD NOTHING YET GAVE MORE IN HER LITTLE AMOUNT THAN THOSE WHO GAVE A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THEIR INCOME TO THE LORD...
verse 3-4: "And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow has cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her poverty has cast in all the living that she had."
We learn, for one thing, from these verses — how keenly our Lord Jesus Christ observes the things that are done upon earth. We read that "He looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow casting in two mites." We might well suppose that our Lord's mind at this season would have been wholly occupied with the things immediately before Him. His betrayal, His unjust judgment, His cross, His passion, His death — were all close at hand — and He knew it. The approaching destruction of the temple, the scattering of the Jews, the long period of time before His second coming — were all things which were spread before His mind like a picture. It was but a few moments ago he spoke of them. And yet at a time like this, we find Him taking note of all that is going on around Him! He thinks it not beneath Him, to observe the conduct of a "certain poor widow."
God sees what man overlooks. The big gifts in the temple were surely noticed by people; that’s probably what the disciples were watching. But Jesus saw what no one else did: He saw the humble gift of a poor widow. This was the gift that Jesus thought worthy of comment; this was the gift that the disciples needed to be aware of. The other gifts in the treasury that day made a lot of noise as they jingled into the receptacles, but the widow’s mites were heard in heaven.Let us remember, that the Lord Jesus never changes. The thing that we read of in the passage before us, is the thing that is going on all over the world. "The eyes of the Lord are in every place." (Proverbs 15:3.) Nothing is too little to escape His observation. No act is too trifling to be noted down in the book of His remembrance. The same hand that formed the sun, moon, and stars — was the hand that formed the tongue of the gnat and the wing of the fly, with perfect wisdom. The same eye that sees the council-chambers of kings and emperors, is the eye that notices all that goes on in the laborer's cottage. "All things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4:13.)
He measures littleness and greatness, by a very different measure from the measure of man. Events in our own daily life, to which we attach no importance, are often very solemn and serious matters in Christ's sight. Actions and deeds in the weekly history of a poor man, which the great of this world think trivial and contemptible — are often registered as weighty and important in Christ's books. He lives, who marked the gift of one "poor widow" as attentively as the gifts of many "rich men."
Let the poor believer take comfort in this mighty truth. Let him remember daily that his Master in Heaven takes account of everything that is done on earth, and that the lives of poor cottagers are noticed by Him as much as the lives of kings. The pious acts of a poor believer have as much dignity about them as the acts of a prince. The small contributions to the Gospel which the laborer makes out of his scanty earnings — are as much valued in God's sight as a ten thousand dollar check from a noble.
To know this thoroughly, is one great secret of contentment. To feel that Christ looks at what a man IS, and not at what a man HAS — will help to preserve us from envious and murmuring thoughts. Happy is he who has learned to say with David, "I am poor and needy — but the Lord thinks upon me." (Psalm 40:17.)
Let us remember, that although Christ's work does not depend on our money — yet Christ is pleased to test the reality of our faith, by allowing us to help Him.
Of all people on earth, we as Christians need to pray about how we give what God has given us... Everything is His... we are stewards of what He has given us... The Holy Spirit, the Gospel, the Bible, the means of grace, the hope of glory — all are undeserved, incomparable gifts, which millions of sinners never heard of! The possessors of such gifts ought surely to be "ready to distribute" and "willing to give." A giving Savior — ought to have giving disciples. Freely we have received — freely we ought to give. (1 Timothy 6:18; Matthew 10:8.)
In this amazing message today, the poor widow was admired by Jesus because she gave generously all she had to the point of sacrifice. What an amazing faith and obedient spirit this widow had....and mostly to know that she was giving to the Messiah...
As believers lets examine 0ur giving and pray about increasing it... whether money, time, or talents... to a point beyond mere convenience.... It's amazing what happens when we give freely what the Lord has given us.
I pray the Lord puts on your heart today the areas He wants you to give freely to... I know you are all so generous and faithful... Let's focus on what we can do with what He's given us... not what we can't do because of Covid.. The need has never been greater and the joy of being obedient to the Lord is greater than anything we can think or imagine...
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'THE TWO COINS SHE GAVE... He CHERISHED MOST OF ALL.'
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